Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Steward Class Canceled
James Parker
Southern Territory
Educational Representative
We will reshedule ASAP
Joe Harrington DBR 73
Stewards Avoiding the Pitfalls
IAM stewards have a tough job. But, by keeping in mind some of the pitfalls stewards face while representing members in any IAM workplace, the job becomes a little easier to do.
Stewards are the heart and soul of IAM-style rank-and-file unionism. Stewards represent the "IAM in action" as the first line of defense against employer abuses-acting as organizer, counselor, peacemaker, and troublemaker. And that's a tough job.
There are a lot of potential pitfalls facing IAM Stewards, too. These are not always possible to avoid, but listing some of the most important ones should help us to be on guard as we represent IAM members on the job.
Failure to Organize — Stewards are critical to organizing the members. We need to be thinking about how each grievance can be used to increase participation, build the union, and create new leaders (even future stewards).
Promising Remedies too Quickly — Do not pass judgment on a grievance until a thorough investigation has been completed. Wait to make a decision until after you've talked with the grievant and witnesses, consulted the contract, and examined your company's rules and past practices.
Failure to Represent Fairly — Not giving an aggrieved member fair treatment makes the union vulnerable to a lawsuit for breach of its fair representation duty. Besides, this undermines the whole purpose of the union and the very idea of solidarity.
Making Backroom Deals — Never secretly trade grievances with management. Every member is always entitled to a fair hearing.
Meeting Alone with Management — Being alone with management discussing a grievance arouses suspicion among members, allows bosses to change their stories, and denies the grievant an opportunity to participate in a vital union activity (to say nothing of undermining the spirit of rank-and-file unionism).
Failure to Adhere to Timelines — Adhere to the grievance schedule stated in the contract. If an extension is needed, get the employer's permission in writing.
Failure to Get Settlements in Writing — Putting grievance settlements in writing helps to clarify the issues and keep the agreement alive. It also serves as a record for dealing with similar problems in the future — and as a way of reviewing issues for contract bargaining.
Failure to Publicize Victories — Publicizing every victory helps to build a local union and boosts all members' morale.
Failure to Speak with New Employees — The union's best chance for finding and keeping new members is one-on-one contact with a steward. Besides giving new workers information, this helps build personal relationships and includes new workers in the union from the outset.
Remembering these tips should help make the job easier and help to avoid some of the pitfalls that can be problems for any steward.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Northrop Grumman Gulf Coast Shipbuilding,Inc.Pascagoula,Ms. allowing it`s Labor Relations Management and Quality Inspection Management;pick and choose
Per Quality Inspectors and Qulaity Technician Inspectors,ratified CBA;Inspectors are classified as follows:
Inspector 1 (Apprentice Program) to be implemented by Company and Quality Department.
Inspector 2 (Certified to One Trade Inspection).
Inspector 3 (Certified to Two Trade Inspections).
Inspector 4 (Certified to Four Trade Inspections).
Inspector 5 (Certified to Six Trades or Four Trades and posess National Certification Associated with Inspection).
On 7-24-2009 the Quality Inspection Department posted job openings for Inspector 3 Represented and Inspector 4 Represented on the Northrop Grumman Careers Web Site.After ratification of CBA on July 16,2009;Classification Inspector 3 and Inspector 4 was replaced by Inspector 1,2,3,4,5.And are the Classifications the Quality Inspection Department should be advertising for on Northrop Grumman Careers Web Site.
Before CBA was ratified by Union Membership:
Inspector 3 was certified to One Trade Inspection.
Inspector 4 was certified to Two Trade Inspections and classified as a Inspector Technician.After two years as a Inspector 3.
So after CBA was ratified the Quality Inspection Management,has revert; to the same old practice of hiring Inspectors into the Department,the way they want to and place them in the pay scale Management wants them.Regardless of what has been set down in the CBA and agreed upon by the Company,Quality Management and Quality Inspectors and Quality Technicians.
So,the Grievance Procedure in our CBA;will start being implemented to counter-act,what the Quality Department is proceeding with.Which is in violation of our CBA.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Dealing with new Management
The new boss will often try to "make an impression." Here are some thoughts on how to make sure a new boss learns how to act like a civilized human being.
You've got a new boss, bosses, or maybe an entirely new management team. He, she or they want to make the point that "things will be different." How different will they be? Here are some issues to consider involving both the legal aspects of what can – or can't – be changed, the reality of your workplace and what it will take to make sure respect for the members is preserved (or reestablished) ...
Here’s a situation that can happen to any union local, sometimes more than once...
Corporate management appoints a new management team, or local management hires a new personnel manager, or the operation is sold to a new owner. In the public sector a new person is elected, or a department is privatized. Management announces that from now on things are going to be different, rules will be enforced, discipline will be handed out. New company policies or work rules are posted or handed out.
A steward files a grievance, management rejects it because it wasn’t written properly, or a deadline was missed. The union committee cites past practice, management states they are new, and that only past practices that benefit the company will be recognized. Union members are mad and demand that the union take action. Even lower level management is complaining and tells the union that they better do something about the boss.
What causes this to happen? Often it’s a new young boss trying to make an impression. Since many workplaces are non-union, odds are this person has never dealt with a union before. They don’t understand how a unionized location operates. It’s up to the union to not only defend working conditions, but also "break in" new management. They may need to be taught how to act like civilized human beings. Respect for the members must be reestablished.
As with most situations, there are two aspects to consider, the legal issues and dealing with reality. How much can the union afford to let management get away with? When has management crossed the line, forcing union leaders to take a stand?
The union’s best weapon is it’s members. The members control production quantity (a lot or a little) and quality (good or bad). They control the delivery of services. Services can be provided fast or slow, a lot of "red tape" can be involved. Often what’s needed is a method to remind the employer of the member’s power. It could take one or several reminders. Management can be slow learners, but eventually the message will get through and respect for the workers will be reestablished.
Ideas for Action will be talked about later.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Quality Assurance Inspectors Rejects Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
This (MOA) was not given to the Union,Local 1133 at Negoiations on July 15,2009;when Company gave Union Local 1133,thier Last,Best and Final Proposal.As requested by Union Local 1133 on July 10,2009 at Negoiations,and be explained and voted on by the Union Membership July 16,2009.Which,the contract was ratified and the (MOA) was not included at that time.
On July 20,2009 through July 26,2009,After ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreement;Quality Management allowed Quality Inspectors to work our 5:42 A.M. to 4:12 P.M.,4-10 hour/day shift.That Quality Management allowed us to have after the tragedy;that occurred in Quality Assurance Department 3 to 4 years ago.
On July 23,2009;11:37 A.M.,an E-Mail was sent out to all Quality Assurance Management.Concerning Shift start time.
E-Mail reads:
In accordance with the newly ratified contract- 1st shift time for Quality (starting Monday 7/27/09 is 6:00am to 4:30 pm) this aligns with the 4-10 hr. day MOU and the new contract.
Manager of Quality Inspection
This E-Mail statement,is in Violation of our Collective Bargaining Agreement;because of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) had not been ratified by the Union Membership.Per our ratified CBA,shift start time is 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.,based on a 5 day work week;under Hours of Employment of CBA.
My,perspective as to why; The (MOA) was rejected by Union Membership on July 30,2009.
1. The Inspectors,Feel and Think;the Company and Quality Inspection Management are being VINDICTIVE and RETALIATORY!Because,the Inspectors voted to form a Union;so we would have some type representation and protection.That we didn`t have as Non-Represented.
2. Because the Inspectors,are being held accountable;for decisions or concessions Quality Management makes with;Trades,Ship Management,Operations.
3. Inspectors,are being made by Quality Management;to perform inspections.They, are not Qualified or Certified to inspect.Inspectors,that are Qualified and Certified to inspect one Trade Discipline;should not inspect any other Trade Discipline;until the Inspector receives the proper training and on hand experience,to perform such Inspection.
How does the Company,Quality Management correct the rejected Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)?
Let the Inspectors resume the 5:42 A.M. to 4:12 P.M., 4-10 hour/day,Monday thru Thursday shift.It has worked out good for the Company,Quality Department,and Inspectors.Why fix something,that is not broke.Unless,it is out of being Vindictive and Retaliatory on the Company`s and Quality Management`s part.Because,the Inspectors choose to become Union Represented.You Decide!
Gerald E.Slade
Senior Union Steward
IAMAW Local Lodge 1133
Friday, July 24, 2009
Quality Assurance Inspectors! Why Whine?
If,the Non-Union Members ;that sat on the fence,waiting to see what happens.Well,You see now!
Had,we been stronger in Union Membership.We would probably, have gained more on this bargaining agreement.But,during the last two weeks of Negoitations.Because,the inspectors;started going to Labor Relations;to try and get the process stopped.You,made Negoitations
more difficult.
How would you feel sitting at the Negoiation Table with the Company and Quality Management and they tell you,that inspectors are:
Became a inspector,because it was an easier job and made more money!
Inspectors,are no more important than the other trades personnel!Except,every Inspector is held accountable for each and all inspections;that is signed off and accepted by the Inspector.These inspections has to be retained for seven years after ship is delivered to the U.S.Navy (Customer).If a casualty,occurs aboard the ship;because of an inspection accepted by an Inspector.The Inspector is equally responsible as is the Company;and can be held liable.
Inspectors stay in air conditioning 50% of the time each work day!When a member of Negoitation Committee,challenged this statement.The Company and Quality Management,recanted;they meant aboard ship;not in office.The ship is not air conditioned 100%.Once ship is launched!Then the Air Conditioning plants can be put on line.Normanly the spaces aboard ship that,first gets air conditioning; is electronic spaces.Machinery Spaces are not Air Conditioned,except EOS.As the ship gets closer to sea trails;then other spaces inside ship,is cut into the Air conditioning plant.
Compartment Completion Inspection is a cosmetic inspection!In the ideal inspection arena;this is true.But today Quality Inspectors are not in the IDEAL INSPECTION ARENA.
Due to the Fact: Craft work is incomplete,Liens,DW`s,W/A`s,etc.is still open.The Inspector is made to write a work list;regardless if all work is complete.In other words the Inspector is being Used by Trades,Ship`s Management to do what they are suppose to do before;calling Quality Inspectors,to inspect the compartment;prior to calling to the Customer for Final Compartment Completion Inspection.
Now all Union and Non-Union Members; in Quality Assurance Department.Has the opportunely to better our Department; and get us back to what the Quality Department stood for and was years ago when this Shipyard produced Quality Ships.
As time moves forward,each Inspector will learn as to what Rights they have being Union Represented.That you didn`t have being Non-Represented.
Gerald E.Slade
Senior Union Steward
Quality Inspectors
Local Lodge 1133
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Quality Assurance Inspectors has hit a Snag;Company`s Last,Best,and Final Proposal; After Ratifing on July 16,2009 by Union Membership
At present, the Quality Inspectors Bargaining Agreement;agreed to by The Company,Quality Management,Union,Negoitation Committee;and ratified by Union Membership on 7-16-2009 shift start times will be as follows:
1st shift - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
2nd shift - 3:45 p.m. to 12:15 p.m.
3rd shift - 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
On 7-16-2009,Quality Upper Management;met with each of thier lower management.And told them,that on July 20 - 24, 2009 1st shift hours would be 5:42 a.m. to 4:12 p.m. and on July 27 - 31,2009 1st shift hours would be 6:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. And this is based on 4-10 hour work week. Due to what Quality Management stated above;contrary to what shift hours are layed out in the Quality Inspectors Bargaining Agreement.
The Quality Inspectors Union Membership;was told by the Union Representatives and Union Stewards for Quality Inspectors;do not be insubordinate!
Do,what your management tells you . And let the Union,Negoitation Committee;try and negoitate with the Quality Department and Company, your concerns regarding shift (5:42 a.m. to 4:12 p.m.) presently working. Shift 6:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (due to start July 27 ,2009).Are, accepting or not accepting side letter for the 4-10 hour work week that Metal Trades has. And stay with the shift hours set down in our ratified bargaining agreement.
The Union Membership will be able to vote on what is negoitated,concerning the above.
Quality Assurance Inspectors Bargaining Agreement is Independent of Metal Trades.
I sent the following letter to the Manger of Quality Assurance Inspection.
I look forward in working together to achieve a smooth transition from the Inspectors being Non-Represented to Union Represented as of 7-16-2009.
I know as of Friday,7-17-2009 we have a couple of things to work out,already.But,remember;there is no problems,that can`t be worked out to a mutual agreement;if both sides are willing to work together!
Gerald E. Slade
Senior Union Steward
Quality Inspectors
IAMAW Local Lodge 1133
Friday, July 17, 2009
Quality Assurance Inspectors WIN first Collective Bargaining Agreement with Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Gulf Coast,Pascagoula,Ms
In July 2008,the Quality Inspectors;voted to organize and join IAM Local Lodge 1133. August 21,2008 the National Labor Relations Board granted us Certification.Case No.15RC-8756.
Negoitations began on 12-10-2008 and ended on 7-15-2009. Now during this 8 month period of time;we only negoitated 23 days.So on 7-10-2009 at negoitations,because we were not making any progress.The Union,told the Company;that we wanted their Last,Best and Final Proposal on 7-15-2009.And that the Company`s Last,Best and Final Proposal;would be presented,explained and voted on 7-16-2009.And the Union Membership would decide outcome of Company`s Last,Best and Final Proposal.
The Collective Bargaining Agreement that was ratified is liveable and equable.Did we get all that we wanted or expect? No! But,we achieved our first Bargaining Agreement.Which is the hardest to accomplish.And we now have a foundation to grow and build off of in the future,at renewal of Bargaining Agreements.
On this agreement,we gain a training program to be put in place by Quality Department and Company.Which,is what Inspectors;have been asking Quality Upper Management for,for over the last 4 to 5 years. And this training program will be monitored by the Union;to make sure,that this training program doesn`t fall into the old practice of nepotism,etc.As experienced in the past in the Quality Department.And this training offered to each Inspector , will give the Inspector a chance to improve and better his or her inspection skills; as well as increase his or her pay scale, by participating in the training and testing to help the inspector advance from Inspector 2 all the way to Inspector 5 and obtain certifications and receive a pay increase.
We,gained;a voice and representation by going Union Represented.Which, we didn`t have as Non-Represented Employees (who are at will employees).Example of what this means:
Management,instructs you to accept an inspection;that doesn`t meet the drawing requirements,Ship Spec`s,MIL-Std`s,Inspection Procedures,etc. set down by the Customer and Company in the Contract with Customer.The Inspector,accepts the inspection as instructed by his or her Management.So,6 months,1 year,2years,etc;as the ship progresses,and a quality problem arises on the inspection accepted at the instruction of management.Now,management has amnesia;the inspector is left holding the bag.This is where the Union comes into play on your behalf.The above practice has occurred in the past and is still in use today by Quality Management.
We,gained a more affordable medical insurance as represented;compared to Non-Represented.
We,gained a more affordable Retiree medical insurance as represented;compared to Non-Represented.This insurance premium will be locked in at that rate for 5 years.Depending on what year of the bargaining agreement you retire.
We,gained a good wage increase for the Quality Inspectors.
I want to thank all the Unions at Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Gulf Coast,Pascagoula;IAM Local Lodge 1133 (for taking the Quality Assurance Inspectors under their wing);for all of the support and willing to stand in Solidarity;to help the Quality Assurance Inspectors to achieve our goal to become Union Represented.And with your help and support,we succeeded.
I want to thank,my Co-Negoitation Committee Members; Mike Ruckart and Leroy Case. This was our first time to negoitate a Bargaining Agreement.We went into theses negoitations with our co-workers concerns,at heart;as to what they wanted on this Bargaining Agreement.The Negoitation Committee after trying to negoitate a bargaining agreement,that would address our co-workers concerns and what they wanted.
We the Negoitation Committee,came together as ONE and realized;that we can only try and get the best Bargaining Agreement possible.And let the Union Membership make the Final Decision.
And the Negoitation Committee did their best,and Bargaining Agreement was ratified.
To my Union Brothers and Sisters in Quality Assurance Inspection;represented by IAM Local Lodge 1133.
In July 2008,we set out to climb a mountain;by choosing to become Union Represented.Why? Because,we had no backup or representation out of our own Quality Assurance Inspection Upper Management.
On July 16,2009;at ratification of our Bargaining Agreement.We have reached,THE MOUNTAIN TOP!
Now,beginning July 20,2009;We must begin to descend from The Mountain Top,and bring with us the jubilation;we all felt at the ratification of the Bargaining Agreement.
We as Inspectors,can now make a difference in Quality Inspection Department by being Union Represented.Because we have a voice and representation now.We, now have a Grievance and Arbitration Procedure in place,to try and turn our Quality Inspection Department around;as it was years ago,when Quality Management and Company wanted to produce a Quality Product.
On July 17,2009; "Bunky" Boswell, Chief Steward,Machinists Union Local Lodge 1133 appointed the following Union Stewards for Quality Assurance Inspection Unit:
Gerald Slade - Senior Union Steward
Joey Garner - Union Steward
Ruth Allen - Union Steward
In closing,I want to extend a very special Thank You to:
Ron Ault,President;Metal Trades Department,AFL - CIO,for his support and authorizing the support of Metal Trades Council,and membership;Pascagoula.
William "Chico" McGill,Director;Government Employees Department,International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,Washington,DC
Louis Bond,Asst.Business Agent;IBEW Local 733.
Marty Akers,Regional Business Agent;United Federation of Special Police and Security Officers (UFSPSO).
Bruce Cochran and Charlie James,Pipefitters - Steamfitters Local 436.
David Porter,International District Representative,Southeastern District.IAMAW.
Robert Wood,Communications Representative,Southern Territory.IAMAW.
Joe Harrington, International Representative,IAMAW.
Robert Bolware,President,IAMAW Local Lodge 1133.
"Bunky" Boswell,Chief Steward,IAMAW Local Lodge 1133.
For your support and advice in helping the Quality Assurance Inspectors achieve their first Bargaining Agreement.
Thank You,
Gerald E.Slade
Quality Technician Inspector
Negoitation Committee
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
IMPORTANT - From your Negotiating Committee
Tomorrow, Thursday, July 16th at 5 PM, your Committee will present the offer to the membership, have a discussion period, and we will have a ratification vote for the contract following the discussion at the entire meeting.
The meeting will be held at the IAM Union Hall, 2129 Canty St.
Those who have already signed a membership card will be allowed to the meeting and have a vote. You can sign a membership card at the door and vote, but, as the amnesty period has expired, you will be required to pay a $200 initiation fee, that can be made via payroll deduction,
These have been tough and difficult negotiations, and we wish to once again thank all of our Union brothers and sisters for their support. Thank you again.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Quality Inspection Negoitation Committee,overwhelm and greatful for the Solidarity;all Unions have Committed
THANK YOU! To all of the Unions inside Northrop Grumman Gulf Coast Shipbuilding,Pascagoula; for your overwhelming support and , are standing in Solidarity and have our backs.As we go forward,with our endeavor to be Union Represented.
Thnak You Again,
Gerald E. Slade
Quality Technician Inspector
Negoitation Committee
Metal Trades Support
Ron Ault
Metal Trades Department
More IBEW Support
William “
Government Employees Department
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
IBEW Support
We will fully stand together with our fellow QA Machinists as they fight for their first contract. You can depend upon us. We’re with you all the way.
Louis Bond
Asst. Business Agent
IBEW Local 733
UFSPSO Support
The UFSPSO is always happy to support our brothers and sisters in the other unions. You have our full support in your endeavor to secure your first contract.
Marty Akers
Regional Business Agent
United Federation of Special Police and Security Officers (UFSPSO)
Monday, July 13, 2009
IAM Local Lodge 1133
Our brothers and sisters in Quality Assurance are negotiating hard for a contract, and all the members of Local Lodge 1133 are standing with them in Solidarity and will stand behind any decision the members make about their contract.
“Bunky” Boswell
Chief Steward
Machinists Union
Local Lodge 1133
Welcome to our Blog!
Here's our first flyer, please read and forward it to everyone you know at the shipyard! Click the flyer to see in large size.