Our brothers and sisters in Quality Assurance are negotiating hard for a contract, and all the members of Local Lodge 1133 are standing with them in Solidarity and will stand behind any decision the members make about their contract.
I want to thank our Local Lodge members for the Solidarity they have shown to their newest brothers and sisters in Quality Assurance. This strong local will help them do whatever it takes to secure a fair and equitable agreement, and I’m very proud of all of them.
I also want to thank all the Quality Assurance personnel that have come by the union office and spoke with me, and supported the hard work of their Negotiating Committee. Securing a first contract is NEVER easy, but it’s an important first step. It’s important to have a strong union contract with protections and improved wages and benefits.
We all need to speak in one voice at the shipyard. We all demand that Northrop Grumman negotiate in good faith for a strong contract for the Quality Assurance personnel. All the unions at the shipyard will stand together and honor and support the actions of our brothers and sisters.
“Bunky” Boswell
Chief Steward
Machinists Union
Local Lodge 1133